Sending documents

To send a document to your trading partner via the Edisoft platform, use the API command ‘Send’. The request must include the parameters described in the table:




Name Login name Yes
Password Password Yes
PartnerIln ILN / GLN number of your partner No 
DocumentType The type of document you are sending (ORDER, INVOICE, DESADV, RECADV, etc.) No
DocumentContent The complete Edisoft XML format document is embedded inside the CDATA No


Example of a request using the 'Send' command

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:wsedi">

After executing the ‘Send’ command, the document is transferred to the Edisoft system and a response is sent, which contains the following fields:



<ns1:cnt> If the sending is successful, the ID assigned to the document is received.
<ns1:res> If the sending fails, an error code is returned.


Possible error codes and their descriptions:

Error code Description
00000000 API operation completed successfully
00000001 Authentication error
00000003 Invalid parameters
00000004 There is no such connection
00000005 The request timed out
00000006 System error


Example of a response using the ‘Send’ command

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 
xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <SendResponse xmlns="urn:wsedi">
         <ns1:SendResult xmlns:ns1="urn:wsedi">
