70% of Edisoft Customers Use Electronic Invoices

70% of Edisoft Customers Use Electronic Invoices


During the pandemic COVID-19, many organizations switched to a remote work format. It has become more difficult to exchange paper documents. We have sent electronic invoices to the Edisoft Platform before, but not all companies understood the benefits of e-docs. They continued to work with paper documents.

At the moment, 70% of Edisoft's current customers have switched to electronic invoices, about 30% of customers - to electronic contracts. All new users are now starting to work with Edisoft digitally.

The period of the pandemic shows that partners see the speed and convenience of exchanging electronic documents. If earlier many customers refused to switch to e-docs, then over the past 4 months the number of customers willing to exchange electronic contracts and invoices has grown by 20%.

Users receive electronic invoices directly to the personal account of the Edisoft Platform at the beginning of each month. To sign an invoice or an electronic contract, you only need an electronic signature. An invoice signed with an electronic signature is a 100% legally significant document. It is the basis for tax and accounting. All documents are stored in the user's personal account - at any time, documents can be downloaded. An electronic agreement or invoice can be easily saved to a computer and printed.


Future article:

How to digitally transform a business?

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