$ 10 billion
5,6 million

About Solution
Edisoft Factoring — cloud multibank factoring platform for debtors, factors and creditors. All transactions are run based on e‑docs and e‑invoices, certified by e‑signatures.
Edisoft Factoring gives easy and secure access to e‑factoring, allow to reduce costs, increase finance turnover, and boost business revenue. Edisoft Factoring using blockchain technologies to improve the security level of users and business processes.
Сhoose Your Role
How to Сonnect
Web Cabinet
You will need an e‑signature and internet access
Integration wirh ERP
Connection via API. Ability to automate operations with documents and transactions.

Features & Benefits
Instant suppliers financing
Online interaction helps to quickly exchange electronic documents without couriers and mail. It is profitable and safe.
Auto verification
The platform helps to make a positive decision on financing with minimal costs. Edisoft Factoring processes a large amount of data in a few seconds.
Motivation to lower rates
Edisoft Factoring helps factors reduce commission and rates due to the low risk of electronic factoring transactions and savings on document flow.
Legally confirmed transactions
All transactions on FactorPat are legal. You can approve and sign an e-contract without using mail, phone calls, or personal meetings.
Process transparency
Edisoft Factoring helps track online documents, contracts, factoring requests and their status at any stage of the transaction.
Fraud protection
Edisoft Factoring protects users in contentious situations by validating electronic signatures. The platform reduces fraud risks.
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