Edisoft presented an integration solution for Amazon suppliers in Europe

Edisoft presented an integration solution for Amazon suppliers in Europe

Edisoft has developed an integration solution for the automatic exchange of data with the Amazon online retailer platform. The solution allows you to manage all processes directly from the ERP. For this, a direct connection is configured between the Edisoft platform and the Amazon system.

Edisoft's solution allows you to update stocks and prices, receive orders, send invoices, import sales data, upload reports, and more with just a few clicks.

Integration is available with both Amazon Seller accounts and Amazon Vendor. When working with Amazon Seller, data is transmitted in XML format by accessing the system through an API. In the case of Amazon Vendor, data is transferred in EDIFACT format files via AS2.

Amazon allows you to automate almost all processes, but Edisoft customers have decided on the main processes that are most beneficial. Here are some of the most important automated processes:

  • Automatic stock and price updates
  • Receiving orders from Amazon
  • Submit order confirmations and invoices to Amazon
  • Forwarding customer accounts to Amazon
  • Upload sales / invoices to the system (when invoicing customers through Amazon)
  • Loading and unloading various reports on Amazon (inventory, write-offs, advertising costs, etc.)

Online retail is rapidly displacing traditional retail and what previously seemed to the business an insignificant distribution channel now occupies a significant share in the sales segment. With this in mind, we are helping suppliers from giants like Amazon simplify their supply chain and speed up data exchange. Fortunately, for this we have integration solutions and sufficient experience.

Edisoft Press Center

As of 2019, dozens of suppliers in the Baltic States and Scandinavia have used the integration solution from Edisoft to work with Amazon.

August 20, 2019

Future article:

How to digitally transform a business?

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