Raiffeisenbank Joined E-Factoring Platform Edisoft Factoring

Raiffeisenbank Joined E-Factoring Platform Edisoft Factoring

Raiffeisenbank announced accession to electronic factoring platform Edisoft Factoring. The platform will go through all stages of factoring financing, which will open up opportunities for expanding the business and improving customer service.

Edisoft Factoring automatically carries out factoring transactions based on packages of electronic documents on the delivery.

Edisoft Factoring solves the security problem: the platform automatically checks 100% of supply data and carries out online transaction control. The legal significance of each transaction is carried out through the use of electronic signatures.

The platform will help Raiffeisenbank facilitate and speed up the decision-making process: suppliers can receive approval of a factoring financing application on a day-to-day basis with delivery.


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How to digitally transform a business?

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