How Mercedes-Benz cut its costs by 50% with E-document flow embedment

How Mercedes-Benz cut its costs by 50% with E-document flow embedment

Mercedez-Benz AG subsidiary is the official partner importing light vehicles by Mercedez-Benz. The sales network comprises more than 90 dealerships.

The Global E-document flow automation project for Mercedez-Benz consists of 3 major subprojects:

  • E-document flow for vehicle sales
  • E-document flow for purchases of vehicles locally produced
  • E-document flow for purchase of tires and auto parts

Mercedez-Benz has contacted Edisoft to automate E-document flow with no large-scale refinements in accounting systems, and also to resolve the following problems:

  • Decrease the burden on departments of accounting and logistics;
  • Minimize risks of document loss;
  • Accelerate document reception from dealers;
  • Cut costs on paper document flow.

Future article:

How to digitally transform a business?

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