$ 10 billion
5,6 million

About Solution
The Edisoft Factoring platform is one of the largest services in Europe for three-way electronic factoring.
We give factors, debtors and creditors a powerful tools for concluding transactions based on electronic documents. Edisoft Factoring automatically checks all supply data, making transactions safe and fast.
Edisoft Factoring helps make money on electronic factoring and protects factors from risks.
Choose Your Scheme of Work
With confirmation
from the debtor
The debtor uploads the register of confirmed suppliers documents
The platform generates a notice of assignment of financial claims and sends it to be signed by three parties
Factor transfers money to the supplier
The debtor uploads the payment register and pays for delivery on time
Factoring any
The supplier sends the invoice, and the debtor signs the documents
The supplier sends a request on factoring, based on confirmed documents
The factor accepts the request. Edisoft Factoring creates a register of financial claims
Within a short time, the supplier receives money in the account. The deal is being closed
Reduce labor costs for checking factoring queries
Connecting to the platform via API, automating the processing of documents, setting up scripts
Fast three-way reconciliations with debtors and lenders
Verification of transaction participants using electronic signature
Enter new markets, increasing the volume of factoring transactions
Transfer your customers to a ready-made cloud platform for electronic factoring
Options for controlling the bank commission and flexible regulation of limits on financing
Work with trusted debtors in retail, logistics, industry, etc
Increase customer loyalty due to fast service
Instant response to requests, interaction with creditors and debtors online
Reduce docflow volume and minimize paper usage
Decrease in labor costs and resources of backoffice on routine operations
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